Freely available
(I Will email to you)
As part of my Ordination process
I had to produce a "Mission Statement"
which clearly laid out my goals, ambitions
and what I hoped to achieve as a practicing Interfaith Minister
This is a direct quote from this Mission Statement
ambition is to write a Ceremony for each of the 12 Steps of the programme of
recovery. My experience is that after a
number of years of recovery, many Fellowship members cannot clearly recall exactly
when and where they took each step. They
know they did it, but the experience soon fades from memory, although their daily program for living remains strong. I believe that a special Ceremony, including
ritual and music, for each of the 12 Steps, would ensure that the participant/s NEVER forget the taking of each Step, and can continue to practice their new way of living in the full and certain knowledge that they have achieved each suggested step along the way."
I am delighted to say
that I have achieved this goal
and now there are ceremonies available
for anyone, or any sponsor
who might find them useful
Experience has shown that this concept works
exactly as it was meant to
The person taking the 12 Steps feels affirmed and validated
Anyone who has included the final ceremony
in the process of taking any specific 12 Step
has embraced and committed to memory
the date, time, company
and the absolute conviction that the work is done
to the best of their ability
I would be delighted to email the 1-12 Step ceremonies
to anyone who would like to use them